Join my journey to re-publishing my Nonfiction books!

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A fresh glance at the Bible's Christmas story. Includes:

  • a trivia quiz
  • guided readings
  • inspiring questions
  • a fun word-search game.

Dear Reader,

Where would a writer be without readers?!

Join me on my journey to get my books back in print!

After writing several nonfiction books about prophecies in the Bible that have already been fulfilled, my books were put out of print by the publisher.

Those three books were about the prophecies fulfilled in Christmas, Easter, and everything else in between in the life of Jesus.

I'm on a mission to get them back into print!

Besides being rewritten and updated, they'll get new titles, new covers, and more.

Would you like to follow me on this journey? Get updates. Follow my progress. Learn more about the books.

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Get news about the new books, notes, updates, advance notice, cover reveals, and more! Please show me your interest in these book projects and cheer me on by joining me on this writing and publishing journey today.

You mean the world to me. Because a writer is pretty much nothing without readers. (Please feel free to share the link to this page with your friends you think might love to know about these coming books!)

Thank you so much for your support.

Blessings to you and yours,


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